Sensual Storytelling

Discover Eros through the power of the written word. Allow the words to echo in your soul and awaken your deepest erotic longings and sensual aspirations.

Short Story by Loredana

The Dancer with Bells

You grasp your light and daring arms, your rattling bells, you Myrrhinidion, my beautiful beloved; and almost naked, with the dress revealing your round breasts, with nipples taut, falling lightly on your shoulders, you stretch out your undulating arms.

You begin to make ours, those who look at you, eyes shine with delight. Your feet place themselves one in front of the other with confidence, revealing your archetypal femininity, and then slide gently. Your body undulates like a silk scarf in the wind. You caress your quivering skin, and voluptuousness floods your gaze in trance.

Suddenly, you rattle your bells! You sway, you shake your hips, the silk of your dress slides and vibrates, your gaze captures us in the magic you create, you move your legs, and your hands full of passion seem to awaken, call and attract all desires around your spinning body.

And we applaud and shout, drunk with the sensuality you emanate, with tenderness and candor, with passion and ardor, whether you move your muscular and lively thighs frantically, smiling over your shoulder, or you undulate your body to the rhythm of your own memories and desires. Your dance is a celebration of beauty, of perfection, of sacred femininity.