A silent walk in nature

Nature heals, and that goes for relationships too! Being together in nature calms and opens us for a more loving connection, especially when we are silent.

Go outside somewhere in a natural setting, such as a park, forest or beach. Agree that you will not talk on this walk. Turn off your phones. Hold each others’ hands; feel the warmth of your fingers intertwined, and let love flow between your palms. Aim to feel the other one deeply and soulfully. Find a place to sit together, on a bench or on the grass, and just be together in nature. You will be pleasantly surprised to discover how much a couple can communicate without words.

To make it easier, you can choose in advance who will guide the walk. You could try to follow inspirations for unexpected twists and turns on your path.

Take 30-60 minutes for this simple, yet effective practice together.