Sensual Storytelling

Discover Eros through the power of the written word. Allow the words to echo in your soul and awaken your deepest erotic longings and sensual aspirations.

Short Story by Loredana

The Night

When the longing is so great that even the darkness of the night cannot appease it with the deep sleep that falls upon us, I go to look for him. My face longs so much to lie on his chest! To hear his heart beating and to sip the air he breathes out! Everything that touches or surrounds him is a treasure for me! I love him so much! And I celebrate our love, like a continuous celebration, in my soul! Through this celebration I discover the Goddess and I become the Goddess myself!

I sneak out of the house, I sneak around the back of the garden and graze, guided by the light of the moon, on a long path that leads to his pasture. I reach his favorite place, kneel next to him and watch him sleep.

His full lips, his perfectly contoured nose, his closed eyes, immersed in who knows what paradises, caressed by the mysterious light of the night, seem more beautiful than ever. And more beautiful than they are, is the love I have for them! Sometimes I stay there for a long time, like that, in a contemplation like absolute veneration, without speaking, without moving, happy to look at him, and I bring my lips close to his, to kiss his breath and breathe it into me.

When the desire to feel him completely inside me becomes so great that my body trembles, I lie on top of him. He wakes up enveloped by me, with his lips pressing his lips. My thighs hug his waist and he can no longer get up because I am fighting him. Our arms entwine as in a childish game, he laughs, gives up and hugs me, clinging me even tighter. This is how we play at night, when longing penetrates me and does not want to leave at all.

Our bodies undulate in endless caresses and our souls ascend embraced to the heavens. I pour myself into him, like a waterfall that spreads light, with all my love and fill him with my essence. I selflessly give my qualities to him, to enrich him, to complete him, with sweet streams. And then I receive him within me, through his golden elixir, I enrich myself with his flavor and carry him in every cell.

…Dawn, oh, the dazzling light of day! You have arrived and always bring with you the turmoil of thoughts and the noise of settlements! In what hidden shelter, always nocturnal, on what quiet underground meadows can we love each other, protected by the calm of the night, when only our love pulsates powerfully throughout the entire Universe, nourishing it?